Generalities of the Americas

History of the name “Americas

They claim that there is a Mayan word called "Amerrique" which means land of wind. There is also a second claim for an "American" root to the name with a connection to Vespucchi himself. In his expeditions, he stumbled upon an Indian tribe by the name of "Amerrique" in what is today Nicaragua. So when he returned to Europe, he introduced this name which cartographers started to use, and it was only a coincidence that his own name was similar to this tribe's name.

Political division: North America

1.      Canada: Ottawa
2.      United States: Washington D.C.
3.      Mexico: Mexico City
4.      Greenland: Gothab 

Political division: South America

1.      Colombia: Bogota
2.      Ecuador: Quito
3.      Perú: Lima
4.      Bolivia: La Paz
5.      Chile: Santiago
6.      Argentina: Buenos Aires
7.      Uruguay: Montevideo
8.      Paraguay: Asuncion
9.      Brazil: Brasilia
10.  French Guana: Cayenne
11.  Georgetown: Guyana
12.  Venezuela: Caracas

Political division: America Central
  1. Belize: Belmopan
  2. Guatemala: Guatemala
  3. Honduras: Tegucigalpa
  4. El Salvador: San Salvador
  5. Nicaragua: Managua
  6. Costa Rica: San Jose
  7. Panama: Panama

Political division: Caribbean America

1.      Cuba: Havana
2.      The Bahamas: Nassau
3.      Jamaica: Kingston
4.      Haiti: Port-au-Prince
5.      Dominical Republic: Santo Domingo
6.      Antigua and Barbuda: St. Johns
7.      Dominica: Roseau
8.      Barbados: Bridgetown
9.      Trinidad and Tobago: Port-of-Spain
10.  Grenada: St. Georges
11.  St. Vicent : Kingstown
12.  St: Lucia: Castries
13.  St. Christ and Nevis: Basseterre

Difference between America Central and Central America

The difference of Central America and Central America is that Central America are the 5 countries that belonged to the Capitania General de Guatemala and America Central are the 7 countries that belong to the Central American Isthmus.

Anglo America: Language
English and French
Anglo America: Religion
Is protestant.

Anglo America: Economy

They are richers.

Latin America: Language

Latin America: Religion

They are catholic

Latin America: Economy

They are poor.

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Sources used to write the post :
Bustos, J .Social Studies Seventh Grade. Consultado en junio 12.
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